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Téma: Nejasnosti okolo ZONDu 4
05.9.2005 - 20:41 - 
Zdravím všetkých.Už dlhšie ma trápia nezrovnalosti okolo sovietskej mesačnej sondy ZOND 4.Zatiaľ čo niekde tvrdia,že ju pre poruchu navigácie Rusi diaľkovým poveľom zničili ešte vo vesmíre,T.Pribyl píše že pristála v číne.No a v SPACE 40 sa píše iba to že 9.3.1968 zanikla v atmosfére,no zároven,v "prehledu vypuštených objektu 1968-013",že je na obežnej dráhe okolo Slnka(podobných protikladných údajov je pritom v SPACE40 hodne).Tak ako to s ňou vlastne bolo?  
06.9.2005 - 09:11 - 
Mark Wade na www.astronautix.com píše, že Zond 4 byl zničen autodestrukcí 10-15 km nad Guinejským zálivem, i když byly proti tomu protesty. 
06.9.2005 - 17:59 - 
Zdravím všetkých.Už dlhšie ma trápia nezrovnalosti okolo sovietskej mesačnej sondy ZOND 4.Zatiaľ čo niekde tvrdia,že ju pre poruchu navigácie Rusi diaľkovým poveľom zničili ešte vo vesmíre,T.Pribyl píše že pristála v číne.No a v SPACE 40 sa píše iba to že 9.3.1968 zanikla v atmosfére,no zároven,v "prehledu vypuštených objektu 1968-013",že je na obežnej dráhe okolo Slnka(podobných protikladných údajov je pritom v SPACE40 hodne).Tak ako to s ňou vlastne bolo?

Pribyl tyto informace opisoval (pardon, cerpal :-) z knihy Almanac of Soviet Manned Space Flight (autor Dennis Newkirk, vydano v roce 1990).

Na strane 67 se uvadi:
There was some mystery as to the fate of Zond 4. The NASA Satellite Situation Reports currently list Zond 4 as in a heliocentric orbit around the Sun. Other claimed that the Zond´s return to Earth failed, burning up in the atmosphere. Recent reports claim that the capsule is now on display outside the Red Army military museum in Beijing, China, indicating a successful landing withing China on March 9 (1968).

A nasledne se jako na zdroj odvolava na: Congressional Research Service, The Library of Congress, Soviet Space Programs 1981-84, Part 1, Washington: Government Printing Office, May 1988, p. 70.

Ale prece jen je to starsi zdroj a historie se nekdy meni rychleji, nez by nam bylo mile... :-) (Osobne bych vyjadril treba pochybnost nad muzeem Rude armady v Pekingu.)


Tomas Pribyl
07.9.2005 - 13:57 - 
V Moon Race – 1967 uvádí Encyclopedia Astronautica o celém průběhu letu ZOND 4:

2 March - Zond 4 - What at first seemed to be a success, very much needed by the L1 program, ended in failure. The Proton booster lifted off in 18 m/s winds, -3 deg C temperatures, and into very low clouds - it disappeared from view at only 150 m altitude. Aircraft at ...

3 March - Zond 4 first midcourse fails. - At 07:35 the first midcourse manoeuvre for Zond 4, then 225,000 km from earth, was cancelled due to an orientation system problem. The sun tracker worked, but the star tracker could not acquire Sirius. The first and second midcourse manoeuvres are no...

5 March - Zond 4 midcourse succeeds. - The L1 reaches its apogee. The time comes to attempt the third midcourse manoeuvre. There are three attempts to orient the spacecraft. The first was at the minimum sensitivity setting for the star tracker, the second at the maximum setting, and the t...

6 March - Zond 4 on course. - It is estimated that Zond 4 will fly 45.8 km below the initial re-entry corridor at an altitude of 145 km, after which it will ricochet back out into space and proceed to a final re-entry and landing on Soviet territory. It is calculated it will land...

7 March - Zond 4 self-destructs during re-entry - The L1's SUS guidance system failed on re-entry. It hit the atmosphere precisely at the calculated time, but wasn't guided to generate lift and fly out of the atmosphere again. A ballistic re-entry would mean no recovery on Soviet soil, so the APO destruct system automatically blew up the capsule at 10 to 15 km altitude, 180-200 km off the African coast at Guinea.

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